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Pick 3 Lottery Checker

Check your Pick 3 tickets to discover if you have won a prize. The Pick 3 Checker is easy to use as you just have to enter the same selections you played. Start by typing your numbers into the boxes provided or switch the input mode to select them from a grid. You can even add another line if you submitted multiple entries.

Choose your play type, bet amount, how many days back you want to check and which draw times you want to look at. Hit ‘Check Numbers’ and the Checker will show you whether you are a winner.

Type in your numbers below

Enter your three numbers from 0 to 9


Remember that you can only win a Pick 3 prize if you have purchased a valid entry. The results of the Checker do not prove you are a winner.

You must match the numbers in line with the bet type that you played. For example, if you entered a Straight, your numbers must have appeared in exactly the same order as you selected them.

* does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the information on this page. We aim to make sure the results of the Checker are accurate, but you should check the winning numbers carefully.